Sunday, December 21, 2014

Running again

Three months after I broke my ankle, I finally feel like I am "running" again. It has been a long road back and I still don't have much endurance. But, I ran today. Without guarding every step.

Going to Leadville over Christmas to do some cross country skiing and snowshoeing. Getting ready for the Quad. This year....well, this year it will be better, right? We always have plans for improvement. This year, I will remember to take food. This year, I will be riding my own bike. This year, I know what to expect. This year, I will probably be slower. That is how life goes.

A bone to pick: In this month's issue of UltraRunner, there is an article about NOT asking to pass (Trail Right/Trail Left by Errol “Rocket” Jones). His argument is that if you're behind him on a trail, then you should just relax and not worry about passing. After all, if you were in contention, you wouldn't be behind him. This is missing the point. You may be in contention for the 60-69 year old women's award. You may have stepped off the trail to, uh, you know... and he passed you and now you want to pass him again. You may be getting your second wind and want by. Why is he so upset about stepping aside for two seconds? After all, he is not in contention!!

My rant for the day.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Planning the work

Nice to have a major goal for the coming year. People keep asking what I'm going to do when I retire. I don't want to say that I am just going to run. They think I am strange enough. Now they want a grand goal: I am going to write a book, feed the hungry, cure cancer, volunteer for the humane society.

No, seriously, I just want to run. I will get tired of it I am sure. I am already lining up a bunch of races for next year. Moab, Bighorn, Pagosa Springs, pacing some friends. It should be a blast.

Speaking of blasts, I did a Turkey Trot race on Thanksgiving in Carlisle, PA. I did not do it alone. I had all four grandkids. Jonas told me I had to keep them all with me. Now, he is the boy who used to run races by himself when he was their age. I promised they would be safe, they wouldn't get lost, they wouldn't run away and we would all get together at the end.

There were lots of runners. We lined up at the end of the runners but in front of the walkers. When we started up, the older two asked if they could take off. Sure. Then Linus asked if he could go too. Sure! Isaias and I ran/walked (my walking required that he run) together holding hands. We caught up to Linus about half way through. We never saw Elise and Avery until the finish area.

Now, you know what really pissed me off? There were no treats left when we finished. Bananas and water was all that was left. I saw people walking around with several bags of pretzels and cookies. The kids ate their bananas without complaining though. In fact, they never complained at all. Woohoo!!!!! Makes a dust ole gramma happy!