Saturday, February 16, 2013

Cycle of Life

It has been a couple of weeks and a few things have been resolved. Idgie has "crossed the rainbow bridge." Wow, it happened fast. I can say that we were with her and she was relaxed when the purple potion was administered. She went for a run the day before. She stole a pear from the counter the day before. We can say she had a good life and she did not suffer. It doesn't help much, knowing those things.

I had the 24 hour heart monitoring completed. I ran. Hard. Trying to make myself have "an event." I did not. And in true medical care fashion, I haven't heard the results. They were supposedly sent to the referring physician within 72 hours. That would mean she's had them now for about 2 weeks; long enough for my insurance to deny the claim. So, on with the training and racing!!

March 8th, Salida's Run Through Time Marathon. I've done this one before. All depends on how much snow there is on the trail! Could be great! Just don't want ice. After that race, we head to Colorado Springs and pick up Scout. She's our new pup. She's 5 weeks old. Hope she will be a great running dog.